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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Nordstrom and Friends

Let's just say my week has been wrought with deadlines and teleconferences and I was in no position to be taking off for Nordstrom to meet Summer and Mama Connie for shopping and dinner at Nordstrom cafe on Tuesday night. Let's put it this way, there is only one store I prefer going to vs. online ordering simply because of the sights, smells, and most importantly, Nordstrom cafe. After what has seemed like never ending projects and deadlines and the week isn't even halfway over, I made the executive decision that my sanity and need to go to the Cathedral of All Things Shopping outweighed any fall out I may have at work from missing even the most crucial of deadlines. Only after the smell of Philosophy Amazing Grace body wash and Kiehl's Rosewater toner as well as a couple of much-needed comfort purchases at the Chanel counter and shoe department, not to mention dinner at the cafe, did I rationally come to the conclusion that I better make up for lost time. I guess I do actually NEED my job if I want to continue worshiping in the sanctuary of all things shopping-holy...so I was awake until 1:00 AM catching up on work due to my guilty conscience.

At 6:00 AM and even though I was hating the sound of "ALARM", Selection #2 on iPhone that rudely disturbed my extremely short deep sleep, I was still in post-shopping glow and excited to use my new make-up as well as walk around in my new shoes today. Not sure that peep toe heels go with PJ's for being at home in my office all day, but it still perked me up enough continue to rush to beat the clock on yet 2 other sizable projects that need to be "completed no later than EOB today."

I was so happy I was able to spend time with Summer and Mama Connie, which far surpassed anything I walked away with purchase-wise. The thing about shopping and your friends is that the two ALWAYS go together and you can never go wrong getting out and seeing what the world of commercialism has to offer and enjoying it with people who make you laugh.

When we stopped for a break from looking meticulously in every department for must-haves (or like-to-haves) to have dinner at Nordstrom cafe, I realized that even though I love online shopping, what I love more is being with people I have fun with and enjoy being myself when I am around them. Usually, shopping with friends entails very few purchases but more time wandering around and picking out either the most heinous of ensembles and wondering what yahoo with too much money would actually pony up $500 for a fuchsia mink halter top (sounds cute, but really isn't in real-life)? Or, day-dreaming about how much one would have to inherit from an unknown rich uncle to afford the clothes that seem to jump out at me where there is a 100% probability the cost will be three times more than everything else around it, or in some cases, the entire store. After the grueling day I had at work and knowing the same Groundhog Day scenario was in store for at least 3 more days, decompressing with Summer and her mom, laughing and oohing and awing, was worth being sleep deprived by Wednesday and definitely gave me the juice to get through the rest of the week.

Finally, I think everyone had the best time in the baby/toddler section, seeing all of the miniature outfits, dresses, shoes and fatigue cargo pants (That's right! They were for a 3 month old baby boy and I felt my biological clock skip a beat!). Seeing how cute and small everything was, once again reminded me how infinitely more important friends and family are than anything I could have bought and written about in this blog and I am so grateful we were able to make a fun evening of it!

Don't worry, I stopped with the mushy, philosophical stuff almost immediately when I caught a glimpse of a pair of gold metallic Michael Kors wedges as we passed by the shoe department when we were being ushered out by a Nordstrom employee because it was well past closing time. I did think all the way home how far I have come from closing down bars at 2 AM in my twenties to closing down Nordstrom at 9 PM on a Tuesday night and honestly, couldn't be happier! It's funny how priorities shift so much and what you come to appreciate over time.

Give your family and friends an extra hug and kiss as you are heading to your computer for some online shopping tonight....It will make your shopping experience much more enjoyable and rewarding!


  1. i shopped online at pottery barn kids the other day for a couple hundred - it was all on sale so I save Ryan a fortune :)

  2. So true! I am sure he was very appreciative of you saving all of that $$$! Good work....be sure to remind him of it the next time you go shopping with me! LOL!

  3. Allison, I sure wish we lived closer!!! I think we would have a fabulous time shopping together!!! Reading over your blog, I would swear that we are long lost sisters!! Heading up to Park City tomorrow for a fun day of shopping with my daughter. :) Hope you are doing well!!

  4. I know, Cary! I can't believe how long it has been. I hope you have a wonderful shopping trip and be sure to let me know what you found! I am going to be in Park City for a wedding in October....I will definitely need the lay of the land! Hope all is well for you too! Thank you so much for reading and letting me know what you think....hopefully some of the blog is useful and the rest is enjoyable....Take care!

  5. Hey there, just got back from a weekend in Vegas where the shopping is even better than here in SLC. I definitely enjoy reading your blog! If you have time when in PC, I would love to see you. Park City is beautiful in the fall...you will love it!!
