This is one "must-have" if I am going anywhere and there is even a small chance that I may have over 10 minutes of downtime. I do love to read and the convenience of being able to carry around about 1,500 books in my bag is kind of humorous to me!
Right now, the Amazon Kindle can be purchased for about $260. Sounds like a lot but keep in mind you are buying a wireless device, much like an iPhone or Blackberry. You can purchase books directly on the device anytime, anywhere for no more than $9.99 per book. The best part is that you avoid the hassle of driving to the store, paying more than double for a hardback, and risking the chance that they may not have what you spend 20 minutes looking for and, God forbid, having to return or go elsewhere! I highly recommend it for people who love to read and are tired of spending an arm and a leg on books.
The drawbacks are minimal. Leaving the Kindle unattended can cause some anxiety if you are out and about but having a guard dog nearby is long as he isn't passed out from all of the rest and relaxation by the pool.
I just purchased my first Kindle last night. Now I must wait for my new gadget to be delivered. I almost purchase the Nook, which is Barnes and Noble's version of the Kindle. It has some really cool features, but being their first edition, I think it has some kinks to be worked out. Anyways, I liked the blog and I can now say I'm part of the Kindle family.